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Djembe – History, benefits and Drum Circle

Djembe – History, benefits and Drum Circle


  1. History of Djembe
  2. What are the different types of Djembe?
  3. Why should you learn Djembe?
  4. How do you take care of Djembe?
  5. What is Drum Circle?
  6. What are the benefits of Drum Circle?

“Playing the djembe is a celebration of life. It reminds us of the joy and rhythm that exist all around us.” – Mamady Keïta

1. History of Djembe

source: fineartamerica

The djembe is a drum that originated in West Africa, specifically in Mali, Guinea, and the Ivory Coast. The instrument has been an important part of traditional West African music for centuries, and it has gained popularity in other parts of the world in recent years.

The exact origins of the djembe are not clear, but it is believed to have been created by the Mandinka people in Mali in the 12th century. The drum was originally used for spiritual and religious purposes, as well as for communication during important events such as weddings.

The djembe was traditionally played by men, and each drum was made by hand using materials such as wood, goat skin, and rope. The drum’s unique shape and construction allowed for a wide range of sounds, from deep bass tones to sharp, high-pitched notes.

In the 1950s and 1960s, the djembe began to gain popularity outside of West Africa as more people became interested in world music. Today, the djembe is played in a wide variety of musical genres, from traditional West African music to contemporary pop and rock.

Despite its global popularity, the djembe remains an important part of West African culture and is often used in traditional ceremonies and festivals. The drum is also an important symbol of African heritage and identity, and it continues to inspire musicians and artists around the world.


2. What are the different types of Djembe ?

There are several different types of djembe, which vary in size, shape, and construction. Here are some of the most common types:

  1. Standard djembe: This is the most common type of djembe and is typically around 12-14 inches in diameter and 24-26 inches tall. It is made from a single piece of hardwood and has a goat or cow skin drumhead.
  2. Kinkenny djembe: This type of djembe is smaller than the standard djembe and is typically around 10-12 inches in diameter and 20-22 inches tall. It is also made from a single piece of hardwood and has a goat or cow skin drumhead.
  3. Sangban djembe: This is a larger type of djembe that is used as a bass drum in an ensemble. It is typically around 14-16 inches in diameter and 26-28 inches tall.
  4. Dundunba djembe: This is the largest type of djembe and is also used as a bass drum in an ensemble. It is typically around 16-18 inches in diameter and 30-32 inches tall.
  5. Synthetic djembe: Some djembes are made with synthetic drumheads instead of animal skin. These types of djembes are often used in situations where animal skin drums are not practical, such as in extreme weather conditions or in areas where animal products are not allowed.
  6. Decorative djembe: Some djembes are designed primarily for decorative purposes rather than playing. These may be made with intricate carvings or colorful designs and are often used as art pieces or home décor.

Each type of djembe has its own unique sound and characteristics, and the choice of which type to use will depend on the specific context and purpose of the music being played.

source: blendspace

3. Why should you learn Djembe?

Well, there are a lot of reasons why you can learn Djembe, and have listed a few,

  1. Cultural appreciation and learning: The djembe is a drum that originates from West Africa and is an important part of many traditional African cultures. By learning to play the djembe, you can gain a deeper understanding and appreciation for these cultures. This can add to your new musical instrument learning as well.

  2. Musical expression: The djembe is a versatile instrument that can produce a wide range of sounds and rhythms. If you enjoy music and want to express yourself through rhythm, learning the djembe can be a rewarding experience.

  3. Health benefits: Playing the djembe requires physical movement and can be a good form of exercise. Additionally, studies have shown that drumming can have therapeutic benefits, such as reducing stress and anxiety.
  4. Social connection: Learning to play the djembe can be a fun and social activity. Many communities have drum circles or other group events where people can come together to play music and connect with others.

Ultimately, whether or not you “need” to learn the djembe depends on your personal goals and interests.

If you are interested in music, culture, or health and wellness, learning to play the djembe can be a fulfilling and enriching experience.

You can also reach out to us for Djembe Learning lessons.


4. How do you take care of your djembe?

Caring for your djembe is important to ensure its longevity and maintain its sound quality. Here are some tips on how to care for your djembe:

  1. Protect the drum from extreme temperatures and humidity: Avoid exposing your drum to direct sunlight or extreme temperatures, which can cause damage to the wood and skin. Keep the drum in a cool, dry place.

  2. Clean the drum regularly: Use a soft cloth to wipe down the drum after each use to remove sweat and dirt. Avoid using water or cleaning products, as these can damage the drum’s finish and skin.

  3. Tighten the ropes: Over time, the ropes on the djembe may loosen, causing the drum to lose its tone. To tighten the ropes, use a drum tuning key or wrench to turn the tuning rings clockwise until the desired tension is achieved.

  4. Rest the drum: After playing the drum, allow it to rest for at least 24 hours before playing it again. This will give the skin time to relax and prevent damage.

  5. Use a protective case: When transporting your drum, use a protective case to prevent damage from bumps and scratches. A soft, padded case is best for protecting the drum’s skin.

  6. Apply oil to the drum: Apply a small amount of oil to the drum’s wooden body every few months to keep it moisturized and prevent cracking. Use a food-grade oil, such as linseed or tung oil, and apply it with a soft cloth.

By following these care tips, you can ensure that your djembe remains in good condition and continues to produce high-quality sound.


5. What is Drum Circle?

A drum circle is a group of people who come together to create rhythm and music using various types of drums and percussion instruments. The participants typically sit in a circle, with each person playing their instrument and contributing to the overall sound of the group.

Drum circles can be organized for a variety of purposes, such as for team building, stress relief, meditation, or simply for fun and socialization. They can be led by a facilitator who guides the group and helps to create a cohesive rhythm, or they can be more free-form and improvisational.

In a drum circle, there are often no set rules or musical guidelines, and participants are encouraged to play whatever rhythms or beats they feel inspired to create. The group may start with a basic rhythm and gradually build upon it, or they may shift between different rhythms and sounds throughout the session.

Drum circles can be a powerful and transformative experience, as they allow people to connect with others through the universal language of music. They can also be a way to explore creativity, express emotions, and connect with oneself and the present moment.

6. What are the benefits of Drum Circle?

Drum circles offer a wide range of benefits for both individuals and groups. Here are some of the key benefits:

  1. Stress relief: Playing drums and percussion instruments can help to reduce stress and promote relaxation, as it requires focused concentration and deep breathing.

  2. Socialization: Drum circles provide a space for people to come together and connect through music, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

  3. Team building: Drum circles can be used as a team-building exercise, as they require collaboration and communication between participants to create a cohesive rhythm.

  4. Creativity: Drum circles offer an opportunity to explore creativity and self-expression through music, without the need for formal training or musical expertise.

  5. Physical exercise: Playing drums and percussion instruments can be a physically demanding activity, providing a low-impact form of exercise and promoting cardiovascular health.
  6. Mindfulness: Drum circles can be a form of meditation, as the rhythmic sound and repetition of drumming can help to calm the mind and promote mindfulness.

  7. Cultural awareness: Drum circles often incorporate instruments and rhythms from different cultures, providing an opportunity to learn about and appreciate diverse musical traditions.

Overall, drum circles can be a fun and engaging way to connect with others, explore creativity, and promote health and well-being.


Connect Drum Circle are highly professional with drumming and has extensive knowledge of djembe. We provide exciting engaging events that connect individuals together and foster connections owing to our highly qualified, experienced crew.

You can reach us at -91-9987885955 or email us at

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